Semper Peratus Ministro!

As an Eagle Scout, when I was growing up, I strived to live out the motto of "Do a Good Turn Daily"!  

Nowadays, as your Old Republic Home Warranty Superhero, my motto is" Semper Peratus Ministro" which translates from Latin to "Always Prepared to Serve"! 

My Mission is to "earn your trust and business by helping you cultivate your existing clients into 'Raving Fans' and helping you reach your personal Real Estate Goals!"  My Superhero Mission Statement is summed up perfectly in one of Zig Ziglar's most famous quotes - 

"You can have everything you want in life... IF, you will just help enough others get what they want!"

That is my goal, to help you get what you want... which I assume, what you want, is to help more buyers and sellers successfully navigate through a closing, right?

Through exceptional Home Warranty Service (which I expect to lead to future referrals for you), and the implementation of your very own FREE personalized marketing tools (via the Old Republic Toolbox) I hope to bring each Real Estate Professional that I work with at least one extra closing that they would not have received otherwise.  I hope that in helping you get what you want, it will give me another opportunity to earn a Home Warranty. 

So - 

When your next transaction is near, you can have no fear, because when you trust in Todd Powell, and Old Republic Home Protection, your Superhero and Super Home Warranty are finally here! 

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